FOR k 3 : ?" En Then press ENTER . enter the desired screen number. at a specified location, To re-enter a Unit ADVANCED RE-ENTRY MENUPAUL.EXE WINDOW WINDOWS ANSWER ANSWER WINDOWS WINDOWSANSWER R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDO Press F1 , then ENTER , for Answer Window Press ENTER to continue. Press ENTER to return to DOS. MENUPAUL A> by typing MENUPAUL at the prompt, thus: (including the music) you may bypass the initialization ceremonies NOTE: When re-entering APOSTLE PAUL TUTORIAL Unit 3 End of Screen # 13/13 Enter t or f . g. Jesus was not really dead and resurrected. f. Jesus was not really crucified physically. e. Jesus was not really born physically as a baby. it is only an appearance. d. If Jesus is all good, his body cannot be real; c. Jesus is evil physically but good spiritually. dualism of Greece? TRUE/FALSE. 7. Which of the following opinions could result from the ancientScreen # 12/13 result from these ancient Greek beliefs. opinions. On the next screen, select the opinions which could If applied to Jesus, these beliefs could lead people to weird the Lystrans regarded Barnabas and Paul. was the son of a god who had come to earth temporarily, just as they began to think of Jesus in the same way, namely that Jesus As more and more Gentiles became Christians in later centuries, but the human soul is good. is evil and spirit is good. Accordingly, a human body is evil, Furthermore, ancient Greeks were dualists, believing that matter came down from Mount Olympus in the form of humans. was Hermes: Ancient Greeks believed that the gods occasionally Concerning the Lystrans thinking that Barnabas was Zeus and Paul P E R S P E C T I V E Screen # 11/13 b. disrupting a. unifying resulted in ... the Jewish synagogue. 6. In almost every town, the preaching of the gospel hear the gospel. z. He was a child of the devil; and Bar-Jesus wanted to y. The teaching about Jesus; and Elymas going blind. x. Elymas urged him; and Bar-Jesus worked a miracle. for the conversion of Governor Sergius Paulus in Paphos. 5. A combination of two items seems to have been responsibleScreen # 10/13 Enter t or f . w. Jews were telling Jews about their own messiah. v. Most of the first Christians were Jewish. u. Jesus was Jewish. t. Barnabas and Paul were both Gentiles. TRUE/FALSE. Barnabas and Paul do that? synagogue as the first place to preach the gospel. Why did 4. Modern Christian missionaries do not often choose a Jewish Enter a letter. s. Holy Spirit r. The church in Antioch q. Barnabas and Paul who took the initiative in starting this mission? 3. According to the early verses of Acts 13,Screen # 9/13 p. Jewish synagogue o. Healing a lame man n. Gentiles m. Some believed; most rejected and persecuted them. l. Cyprus was Barnabas' homeland (Acts 4:36) k. Cyprus In Lystra, the cause of people thinking they were gods. Group to whom they preached after rejection in synagogue. The general reaction of people to their preaching. The location where they usually preached in a new city. One of the persons converted was the governor of this province. The probable reason why Barnabas and Paul went to Cyprus first. 2. MATCH. Screen # 8/13 e. Derbe j. Salamis d. Cyprus i. Perga c. Attalia h. Paphos b. Antioch (Syria) g. Lystra a. Antioch (Pisidia) f. Iconium People thought Barnabas and Paul were gods. Paul's sermon here is recorded at length. Elymas (Bar-Jesus) blinded. Proconsul (Sergius Paulus) converted. First city where they preached the gospel. 1. Show the city where these events took place.Reference: Acts 13 - 14 E V E N T S Screen # 7/13 e. Derbe j. Salamis d. Cyprus i. Perga c. Attalia h. Paphos b. Antioch (Syria) g. Lystra a. Antioch (Pisidia) f. Iconium Port from which they sailed back to Antioch of Syria. One more! Still another of the four cities. Another inland city where they preached. One of four inland cities in which they preached. City in Pamphylia where the missionaries landed. The other of these two island cities. One of two island cities in which the evangelists preached. The island visited first. The sending church. 1. MATCH. Reference: Acts 13 - 14 and a map. I T I N E R A R Y Screen # 6/13 t. Paul sends greetings to Philemon on behalf of Mark. s. Paul asks Timothy to get Mark and come to see him. r. His mother Mary lives in a large house in Jerusalem. q. He is a cousin of Barnabas, later works with Paul. p. He leaves Barnabas and Paul after arriving in Perga. o. He accompanies Barnabas and Paul on first mission trip. n. He accompanies Barnabas and Paul from Jerusalem to Antioch. m. Barnabas and Paul separate because of Mark. Acts 13:13 Philemon 1:24 Acts 13:5 2 Timothy 4:11 Acts 12:25 Colossians 4:10 Acts 12:12 Acts 15:37-39 3. John Mark. MATCH.Screen # 5/13 l. Sells a field, donates money to church k. Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus j. First pastor of Gentile church in Antioch i. Delivers a gift with Paul from Antioch to Judea h. Brings Paul to assist in Antioch g. Befriends Paul early 9:26-27 11:27-30 4:37 11:25-26 4:36 11:19-24 2. Barnabas. MATCH (references are from Acts).Screen # 4/13 Enter letters. Assistant f. Timothy e. Paul (Saul) Junior partner d. Luke c. John (Mark) b. Barnabas Senior partner a. Ananias 1. Identify the three persons who made this first mission trip.Reference: Acts 13:1-5 P E R S O N N E L Screen # 3/13 Press F5 then ENTER for advanced re-entry. Press F4 then ENTER to restart the screen. Press F3 then ENTER to display the MENU. Press F2 then ENTER to return to DOS. Press F1 then ENTER for ANSWER WINDOW. FUNCTION KEYS Further instructions will then appear on line 23. questions. After each answer please press the ENTER key. Clear and concise instructions are provided on-screen for all INSTRUCTIONSScreen # 2/13 Press ENTER to continue F I R S T M I S S I O N Unit 3 A P O S T L E P A U L T U T O R I A LScreen # 1/13